Venus Love Potion
This is the third year in a row I have made this Venus love potion, shown in the glass as an offering to my ancestors, the cosmos, and Venus of course. I collected and mixed the ingredients on the libra new moon intending to bestow as much love and lust and romance as I could until the Aries full moon, when I planned to strain it and seal it. But I strayed away from it yesterday, not finishing until tonight and I feel immensely rewarded for sealing it on this Venus kissed, Taurus moon.
I pulled a card to embody this medicine and ended up picking the 6 of pentacles. I’m used to associating the words of Rachel Pollack(author of 78 Degrees of Wisdom) with this card, who studies the Waite Smith deck. She speaks of a stable balance between give and take. As an ability to see what the other is willing to offer us and what we have the capacity to accept. Also as giver, of a measuring of what is appropriate to offer, what the other is ready to receive.
Though relevant, today I am more drawn to the words of Alejandro Jodorowsky who says,
“This number [six] synonymous with beauty and realization of what one loves… the beauty of the six can be considered to be the root of reality. In the six of pentacles, we clearly detect the addition [4+2]. In the center of the card are four coins representing the reality principle and stability, which open up to the top and to the bottom. In the six of cups we saw the meeting of two trios, the number 3 being an idealist. Here, in contrast, we start from a material center that will seek its ecstatic realization in these two extremes.This refers us back to pairs o complimentary notions like past and future, higher consciousness and subconscious, macrocosm and microcosm, light and shadow, and so forth. it is a card that opens up to the world, which arrives to open itself to the other. It’s motto could be: ‘I leave in search of everything that surpasses me and is already in me.’”
So mote it be.